The Best Autonomous Electric Skateboards

October 12, 2021


Have you ever wished for an electric skateboard that could take you wherever you want without any manual control? You're not alone! The growing popularity of autonomous electric skateboards has led to the development of several models in the market.

But with so many options available, how do you know which one to choose? That's where we come in! We've done the research and compiled a list of the best autonomous electric skateboards available today.

Comparison Table

To make it easy for you, we've created a comparison table that details the features of each skateboard. Check it out below:

Skateboard Model Max Speed (mph) Max Range (miles) Charging Time (minutes) Price (USD)
Boosted Rev Pro 24 22 150 1,799
Inboard M1 22 10 90 1,199
Evolve Bamboo GT 26 19 180 1,799
Acton Blink Qu4tro 23 22 90 1,699

In-Depth Analysis

Boosted Rev Pro

The Boosted Rev Pro is one of the most advanced and highly-rated autonomous electric skateboards available today. It features a powerful motor that allows it to reach speeds of up to 24 mph and travel for up to 22 miles on a single charge. The skateboard is also compact, making it easy to store and transport.

One of the standout features of the Boosted Rev Pro is its quick charging time. With a charging time of just 150 minutes, you can quickly top up the battery and get back on the road. However, it's worth noting that this skateboard is also more expensive than some of the other options on our list, with a price tag of $1,799.

Inboard M1

The Inboard M1 is another highly regarded autonomous electric skateboard. It has a slightly lower max speed of 22 mph, but still, a respectable range of up to 10 miles on a single charge. The skateboard is easy to ride and highly maneuverable, making it a great option for city riding.

One of the unique features of the Inboard M1 is its swappable battery. This means that if you need to travel further than 10 miles, you can simply swap out the battery and keep riding. Charging the battery takes 90 minutes, which is a relatively quick charging time.

Evolve Bamboo GT

The Evolve Bamboo GT is the fastest skateboard on our list, with a max speed of 26 mph. It also has a decent range of up to 19 miles on a single charge. This skateboard is great for those who need to cover long distances quickly.

One of the standout features of the Evolve Bamboo GT is its ability to handle a variety of terrains. The wheels are large and designed to handle off-road terrain, making it a great option for those who want to explore more than just the city streets. However, the skateboard is also one of the most expensive on our list, with a price tag of $1,799.

Acton Blink Qu4tro

The Acton Blink Qu4tro is a highly maneuverable skateboard with a max speed of 23 mph and a range of up to 22 miles on a single charge. It features a compact design, making it easy to store and transport.

One of the standout features of the Acton Blink Qu4tro is its low price tag. At $1,699, it's one of the most affordable autonomous electric skateboards on our list. However, it's worth noting that the charging time is longer than some of the other skateboards, taking 90 minutes to fully charge.


Each of the skateboards on our list offers something unique, whether it's speed, range, or price. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your needs and budget.

We hope this comparison has helped you find the perfect autonomous electric skateboard. Now get out there and start riding!


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